Monday, May 28, 2012

Slow Poisoning of India Documentary (Blog Post 2)

Claim made by Filmmaker:  Pesticides should not be used by farmers.
My claim:  Pesticides are harmful to the environment and local inhabitants and therefore should not be used by farmers.

Body Paragraph 1: Harmful to the environment

  • The pesticides are a poison that seeps into the soil and water supply and cause harm to the surrounding environment (info from the documentary)
    • This disturbs all parts of nature in the surrounding area
    •  Nature needs to be preserved if we wish to live healthy lives and the use of pesticides does not allow for that
  • Insects develop immunity to the pesticides
    • Once this occurs, the pesticide does not accomplish its goal and only damages the environment
Body Paragraph 2: Harmful to local inhabitants
  • There are many victims from the use of pesticides
    • Many children are born with deformities and illnesses because of the use of pesticides
    • It is unhealthy to uses these pesticides and they should not be used

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